
New site design 2014

And therefore dawn of a new epoch

New site design 2014

So after some serious blogfade, I've thought of a few topics to blog about. I've been playing with a few new bits of tech and also doing some other things that I feel I need to share with the world.

Because at the start of a new term it's always nice to have new rulers and a clean new exercise book, I've given the site a bit of an overhaul. So I'm starting my first post for my new epoch with a before and after shot of the website since I've updated it.

My previous design was based on a CSS Zen Garden layout, but that design was looking a bit dated and I wanted to use bigger graphics for each post as well as responsive design. Dreamweaver CC 2014 has some new templates so I took a few hours changing the site to a responsive design. There's probably a few bugs in the code and I'm sure I will have missed some page somewhere, but I'm happy with the new look so far. It was nice diving into some web scripting again.

All that remains now is to start writing about something.

4-Nov-2014 Add comment

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Matthew Norman...

... who lives in the UK, who is not an actor, not a clock manufacturer, did not write a rough guide to cuba and also has never written for the Telegraph. I have written books on coldfusion and web databases.

(c) somewhere in space and time: M.Norman