
Another LCD Panel Driver Option - this time as a kit

But is it cheaper?

Another LCD Panel Driver Option - this time as a kit

Another find from my hobby of typing 'v56' or 'LCD panel' into Banggood was this kit of the products you need to re-purpose a laptop LCD panel. This time it's a full kit of bits, which, if you are fortunate, all you will need to add to is the panel and a PSU, and Banggood refer to it as the succinctly named V56 Universal LCD TV Controller Driver Board PC/VGA/HD/USB Interface+7 Key Board+Backlight Inverter+1ch 6-bit 30pin LVDs Cable. I have a brief un-boxing video to present to you below, then I will get onto the contents.

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24-Nov-2017 Permanent Link


It's all about me...

I'm a 55 year old married father who works with websites for a living. Doing that for work means I dont often update this site, unless I can think of something useful to say. I mostly like taking photos - and most of my internet presence now will be related to that.

Something else?

Dont you find it ironic that people invest so much in bringing you to a website only to give you a list of links to take you elsewhere? So I'm not going to give you a list of my favourite haunts to send you away from this site.

(c) somewhere in space and time: M.Norman